Light Tomato Soup
Prep Time:
30-45 Minutes
Cook Time:
20 Minutes
4-6 Servings
About the Recipe
Nutrition: Tomato soup provides energy with double the normal vitamin C. Tomatoes contain carotene, lycopene, anthocyanin and other powerful antioxidants. According to some studies, lycopene has been found to help prevent prostate cancer, to improve the skin's ability to protect against harmful UV rays and sunburn, and to keep the skin looking youthful. In Ayurveda, tomato is considered rajasic because it is hot, sour and acidic, and because it increases the energy of the body and because of its effect on the gut. However, if you love tomato soup like we do, but want to lower the rajasic level, use rose petals to cool it down: 2 tbsps organic dried rose petals (optional).
Time to steamed tomato (whole, medium): 10-15 min.


6-8 cups fresh water
5-7 big tomatoes from the farmer’s market or your garden (about 4 cups)
2-3 cloves of garlic (optional)
2 tbsp of leeks
2-3 tbsp fresh oregano
1 tsp fresh thyme
2 tbsp fresh Italian parsley
1 bay leaf (optional)
1⁄4 fresh basil leaves
2 tbsp fresh dill
1-2 bunches organic kale
2-3 finely chopped broccoli or broccolini (optional)
2 tbsp dried rose petals (optional)
sea salt
1-2 tsp of olive oil and and/or ghee or butter
finely chopped spinach, kale, basil, cilantro, dill, and parsley
chili flakes or sautéed or raw serrano (coconut oil for summer, ghee for winter; optional)
organic extra-virgin olive oil or ghee.

Wash and finely chop the tomatoes into small cubes or process them through a food mill with a little garlic or leeks to make a puree.
In your favorite stainless-steel or cast-iron soup pot, heat 1 teaspoon of ghee or butter (for fall/winter) and a small amount of olive oil. Add finely chopped leeks and minced garlic, then stir in the turmeric, oregano, thyme, etc.
Immediately after, add the finely chopped tomatoes or puree. Fry quickly over fairly high heat, stirring and scraping the bottom, until it has reduced and thickened for about 3 minutes.
Your mixture is now ready to serve.
For a Light Tomato Soup: Add 6-8 cups of fresh water, along with fresh kale, and immediately turn off the heat once it's hot.
For raw gazpacho (summer time): Finely chop all the ingredients and keep them raw, or lightly warm them. Add a little water if needed.
Add sea salt and the fresh finely chopped raw garden ingredients on top.
*** Serve with ghee, olive oil, or avocado oil, and accompany it with organic pasta or gluten-free pasta or rice, your favorite choice of protein, and, of course, a serving of yummy roasted veggies and tea.***