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Veggie Soup

Prep Time:

30 Minutes

Cook Time:

25 Minutes


4-6 Servings



About the Recipe

Whenever you have the opportunity to visit Mexico, you must spend at least a few hours in a mercado. Once you are there, after enjoying a delicious breakfast—whether it's a scrumptious flor de calabaza quesadilla, a huarache, or a sope with rajas and potatoes (my three favorites!)—please take a leisurely stroll. Wander over to a fruit and vegetable stand where you'll find little bags filled with seasonal combinations of delightful surprises for your veggie soups.

Typically, these bags contain a variety of ingredients such as green beans, spinach, quelites, watercress, carrots, zucchini, potatoes, corn, leeks, herbs, a few chickpeas, and other sprouted delights. A real treasure! My mama would make this delectable soup at least once a week.

I adore sipping on the vitamins, minerals, and warm, crunchy veggies in this soupy delight. I usually add plenty of avocados, lime or lemon, finely cut serrano peppers, and sea salt.

A couple of times a week, I offer my kids a generous cup of this veggie juice together with their usual cup of tulsi, chamomile, or mint tea that typically accompanies their meals—and they love it!



What did you find in the farmers market this week? What do you have in the fridge? What's ready to pick in your garden? What’s in season?

6-8 cups fresh water

2-3 celery stalks

1-2 leeks (in chunks or finely chopped)

1 tomato (optional)

4 small potatoes

2 carrots

2 zucchini (add them at the very end and quickly turn the fire off)

1 ear white corn (cut in half)

1 small onion (optional)

2 cloves garlic (optional)

1 piece fresh ginger

Greens: kale, chard, spinach, bok choy

Herbs: dill, parsley, epazote, cilantro, bay leaf, basil, oregano, thyme

1⁄2 tsp cumin

1⁄2 tsp turmeric

1/2 tsp coriander

cayenne (optional)

sea salt

1 tsp of coconut (summer) oil or ghee (winter) (optional)


    2 large ripe organic avocados cut into cubes 

    raw tomato (optional)

    lime and/or lemon

    finely chopped kale, basil, cilantro, dill and parsley


    chili flakes, or sautéd or raw serrano (coconut oil for summer, ghee for winter, optional) 

    organic extra-virgin olive oil or ghee



  1. Add all of the ingredients to your favorite stainless-steel or cast-iron soup pot.

  2. Cover and cook over medium-low heat, allowing it to simmer, covered, until savory. Cook for a maximum of about 30 minutes. Avoid overcooking. Play around with the flavors and enjoy.

  3. Your soup is now ready to serve.

For a full-meal soup: Enjoy the chunky, juicy vegetable pieces with your broth, or transfer the broth and vegetables to a blender and blend until smooth.

For vegetarian soup stock or a cleansing vegetarian broth: Remove any remaining vegetables to use in other recipes.

For a Raw/room temperature: Blend the ingredients and warm them up for a few minutes without boiling them. 


Add sea salt and the fresh finely chopped raw garden ingredients on top.

*** Serve with ghee, olive oil or avocado oil or sesame chili oil, and accompany it with organic corn tortillas, toasted seaweed, rice, barley, quinoa, millet or gluten-free pasta -- and, of course, a serving of yummy roasted veggies and tea.***


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